Edge Neurofitness

Brain Fitness & Cognitive Enhancement for a Healthier Lifestyle

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Is this you?

Do you wake up each day with a low mood, low energy, and low motivation to be as goal-driven and productive as you would like to be? 

Are you struggling with memory or are you not as sharp as you used to be?

Do you procrastinate a lot and does that leave you feeling guilty and frustrated? Do you have the blahs???

Have you suspected or have you been diagnosed with depression? Are you afraid to set and pursue your goals?

Do you suspect you have COVID or chemo brain fog?

Have you been struggling since a head injury, concussion, or whiplash, no matter how long ago it (or they) happened?

Have you been diagnosed, or have you suspected you have ADD/ADHD and the interventions you have tried have not eliminated your problems with mood, energy, motivation, and focus?

On the other hand, are you ready to optimize your performance? Do you want to gain an edge over your competition?

If your answer to any of these questions is YES, we have state-of-the art solutions for you.

The Solution:   Get the brain waves and nervous system reset and balanced... reboot, reset, relax, refocus. This is done through mild brain stimulation with things like LED light, sound, micro electrical or magnetic stimulation to give your brain a new signal to follow. Then, we can map out your stress profile and brain wave patterns to design a custom training plan using neurofeedback and biofeedback to rewire your brain and autonomic nervous system, making these changes more permanent. 

So you can begin to FEEL BETTER, THINK BETTER, WORK, LEARN, REMEMBER, FOCUS, PERFORM, or EVEN SLEEP BETTER!  Because all of this is coordinated in your BRAIN!

Reach Out To Schedule A Free Consultation

Book your FREE CONSULT with our Board Certified Psychophysiology Specialist Rebecca Bassham (AKA the Brain Coach) today!

  • 14+ Years Experience in Neurofeedback

  • 30+ Years Experience as a Health Educator

  • Board certified in Neurofeedback (BCN)

  • Board certified in Quantitative EEG (QEEG-T)

  • Board certified in Biofeedback (BCB)

  • Licensed Radiologic Technologist (RT)

  • Bachelor of Science, CSUF

  • Fellowship in Special Imaging (CT and MRI) at Loma Linda University

  • Study of Applied Psychophysiology at Saybrook University

  • BCIA-Approved Mentor

  • Board member of FNNR

  • Chief Applied Science Officer of Daywaneti

  • ISNR Presenter

  • Mentored by leading authorities such as Jay Gunkelman, Dr. Vietta Sue Wilson, and Dr. Tom Collura

  • Beta testing and product development consultations with BrainMaster Technologies, MindAlive, and IFEN/CAPITO

  • Has collaborated in the development of several projects with IFEN as an experienced practitioner

  • Has worked with professional athletes including over 300 recently retired NFL Football Players.

  • Set up a Psychophysiology Lab (Brain-Training Program) for the NFL Alum Academy at the Hall of Fame Stadium in Canton, Ohio

  • Founder of Neuroscience Department of a residential treatment facility for addictions and traumatic brain injury (TBI) recovery for multi-traumatized retired NFL players

  • Endorsed by Joseph C. Maroon, MD, FACS (Clinical Professor and Vice Chairman Department of Neurological Surgery, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Team Neurosurgeon for Pittsburgh Steelers)
Edge Neurofitness Logo

With Edge Neurofitness, you can begin to feel better, think better, work, learn, remember, focus, perform, or even sleep better - because all of this is coordinated in your brain!

Rated 5 Stars

"This training has helped me beyond belief, with focus, concentration, less ruminating thoughts, and now I have a peaceful mind. Feel so positive and happy and better every time. Thank you for all you do and helping me with my whole self."

What is Brain Mapping?

Brain mapping uses a medical quality EEG with sensors on the head to accurately record brain wave activity.

Quantitative EEG (qEEG) Brain Mapping takes this one step further by measuring and mapping out the power and speed of the brain waves at 19 data points that are known to be in charge of various functions.

This tells us about how the brain works and explains the physiology behind how people think, feel, and process information... in other words, why you are the way you are.

These are measurements that can validate how your brain is wired, give insights into why you are stressed, and provide information that we can use to create a roadmap to improving it with neurofeedback and biofeedback training.

(Note: we cannot tell WHAT people are thinking about, just HOW their brain is thinking!)

Why Brain Mapping?

The purpose is to identify brain patterns and assess the mind-body connection in order to help people to achieve desired mental states to do whatever they want to do BETTER. This can be broken down to 3 key intentions:



    - mental performance

    - peak performance for sports

    - peak performance for work

    - optimize brain function



    - memory 

    - attention

    - clear up brain fog (i.e. COVID, chemo, etc.) 

    - increase mental clarity 

    - minimize distraction

    - goal setting/mindset

    - meditation

    - mental fitness… think better

    - get motivated



    - boost and balance moods

    - improve sleep turn down mind chatter

    - find your purpose and what resonates with you (we can actually measure that feeling in your gut and heart)

    - stress management / release tension caused by stress…feel better 

Furthermore, with "pharmaco-EEG" it can be determined how a brain is likely to respond to psychotropic medications based on what their brain waves are doing and what effects the prescribed medication has on the brain.

There are also several neurophysiological underpinnings of psychological diagnoses like ADD/ADHD, mood disorders, anxiety, depression...and EEG patterns of addiction.

We can identify these patterns on a brain map. This is how we know how to help people and collaborate with the team of doctors, therapists, and whoever else is on board the treatment team.

Why Neurofeedback?

Once we map and determine what the brain is doing and what a person’s goals are, we take that information and design a special program to train or coach the person to achieve the desired brain states by using visual and audio feedback.

It is a brain-computer-brain interface that allows the person to control the screen and sound by tuning in their brain waves to work more efficiently. As the brain adjusts and optimizes, the game, picture, movie, and/or sounds give them instant feedback. This is how the brain learns to work better!


    Neurofeedback training is health and fitness at the highest level…because it all happens in your BRAIN.

    Do you want to FEEL better, THINK better, WORK better, SLEEP better, LEARN, REMEMBER, or even PERFORM better?

    It all starts in your brain!

    • Some people throw medications at the brain, 
    • Some go to therapists to get a load off their mind but they get STUCK, 
    • Some hire a coach or trainer to push them.


    ...but with NEUROFEEDBACK (also known as EEG Biofeedback) we can show you what your brain is doing and how to regulate and balance itself with NO MEDICATIONS OR UNWANTED SIDE-EFFECTS!

    When the brain is calmed, regulated, and stabilized, many struggles begin to resolve because your brain learns to work better.

    It is personal training for YOUR BRAIN, SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR YOU because no two brains are alike.

    How do we know what to do and what part of the brain to train?

    Do you realize that most psychiatrists and psychologists are the only doctors who don’t take a LOOK at the organ they are treating?

    How would you know unless you look???

    That’s what we do… we put a special cap on your head that has sensors built into it giving us detailed measurements of the activity in every part of your brain. You can actually watch your brain in 3D as visualized on the screen giving you information through feedback to adjust for optimizing your brain function. In fact, people usually experience some benefit within the first couple of sessions.

    How can that be?   How does it work?

    Here’s the scientific explanation:

    • Mental states have characteristic EEG states and patterns.
    • Certain brainwave patterns correspond to common symptoms such as stress, poor moods, and attention issues.
    • Both animals and humans can learn to alter their brainwave pattern(s) by means of operant conditioning with EEG biofeedback.
    • Both animals and humans show changes in behavior when they have learned to change their brain wave frequency patterns by means of operant conditioning.
    • qEEG (Quantitative EEG) Brain mapping using 19 active electrodes can help distinguish brain patterns and states.

Why Biofeedback?

Stress is at the root of many illnesses and diseases, especially autoimmune disorders and those unexplainable ones..."that are all in your head."

Utilizing a process called biofeedback, we start by recording and analyzing physiological measures of stress at:

(1) Baseline

(2) When stressed, and

(3) After stress

We do this to find out...

(1) How stressed people are, 

(2) How stressed they get when they talk about their stress, and...

(3) If they are able to let it go and return to baseline... wherever that is.

Why? The Purpose

After assessments, we teach people how to navigate their way to SELF REGULATION which is volitional control of autonomic nervous system function. This is done with our brain-computer-brain interface that gives moment by moment audio-visual feedback so the brain can learn to create new patterns, like letting go! We call this self-regulation vs. medication. It is empowering.

In sport, this translates to improved performance, focus, getting into “The Zone”, the “Competitive Edge,” letting go of a bad play, and “Getting your head in the game.”

It is “doing” vs. “trying.”

In the classroom, this training translates into improved IQ, focus, attention, learning, and memory.

On the job, this translates into increased focus, productivity, improved decision-making, even the ability to manage stress and time.

All of these skills carry over into life, especially as we grow older. Memory loss is NOT a normal part of aging. Find out how you can optimize your brain function now!

See your brain in 3D, 

we map it out, 

then hook you up and 

let your brain work it out.

Here's how it works


Free Consultation

Discover how neurofeedback can help you with a complimentary consultation tailored to your brain's unique needs and your personal goals.


Brain Mapping

Uncover the intricacies of your brain's activity with our advanced brain mapping technology, providing insight for neurofeedback training.


Start Training!

Embark on your journey to optimize brain function and enhance well-being through our expert-guided neurofeedback training programs.

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